Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nissan Leaf Commercial: Negotiated Stance

     The Nissan Leaf commercial was the commercial that I chose. I am taking the Negotiated reading stance of this commercial. I think that this was a great commercial. It shows the impact that the emission of cars has on the environment and it affects every living thing here on earth. It was touching and heartwarming as well because everything makes an impact no matter how big or small it may be. This commercial made me feel that if I bought a “green” car, it would help to save the polar bears and it will also help the earth. Although global warming is considered a controversial topic, I believe that there is some type of “warming” that is happening with the earth that is endangering the lives of the animals that need the cold climate and the ice caps to survive. I believe that this commercial played onto and appealed to the feelings of those people who love animals as well as those who are Eco-friendly and believe that by buying this all-electric car, they will be doing something good for the environment and the animals. By showing that the polar bear had to live in an environment like ours should make people take a step back and try to do what they can to help the planet. Towards the end of the commercial when the polar bear gave the man a hug, it definitely hit a warm spot for me. It showed how grateful the polar bear was that the man was doing something good that would save the polar bear in the end. The only problem with this commercial, I feel, is the fact that it is a foreign car company and also the fact that electric or any type of Eco-friendly car is expensive and definitely out of the usual price range for some people. Despite the few controversies here and there, it should have at least made people actually think about the impact that everyone is making on the earth everyday.

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